Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition, and chances are you or someone you know has it. What you may not know is that there are several different types of anxiety, some of which may not be as obvious to onlookers. One type, in particular, high-functioning anxiety, often takes loved ones by surprise because the signs are usually subtle or invisible. To ensure that you and those you care about are not left struggling with anxiety on their own, get to know the symptoms of high-functioning anxiety and how to manage them more effectively.

Although it is common, anxiety is a treatable condition. Find the help you need by calling Promises at 17135283709 and inquiring about our residential and outpatient anxiety treatment programs. Our whole-person approach will give you access to a customized program consisting of behavioral therapies, medication, support, and even holistic therapies like yoga and massage therapy. Call us today to get started.

What Is High-Functioning Anxiety?

When you picture someone with anxiety, you likely imagine that they appear nervous, worried, or on edge. They might seem fidgety or tense, often concerning themselves with the what-ifs of life more so than those without anxiety. Or you may envision someone painfully shy who avoids going out in crowds for fear of judgment by others. All of these symptoms are related to anxiety disorders, but there are different types of anxiety that may be less obvious.

High-functioning anxiety is unique in that despite internally struggling with persistent worry, the person outwardly appears composed, successful, and high-achieving. They are likely the last people you would suspect of dealing with an anxiety disorder because they seem to be able to do and have it all effortlessly. 

How Do You Know If You Have High-Functioning Anxiety?

Since the signs of high-functioning anxiety are typically masked by what some may view as an ideal lifestyle, it can be difficult to know if someone you care about is struggling on the inside. Be mindful of the following signs of potential high-functioning anxiety:

  • Difficulty relaxing – The person may find it hard to switch off their mind and enjoy themselves in the evenings and weekends or while on vacation. 
  • Overthinking – They may often worry about past events and future problems, analyzing every minute detail of a situation.
  • Perfectionism – They set high standards for themselves, sometimes to the point of being unrealistic, which feeds a constant feeling of intense pressure.
  • People-pleasing – The person may frequently put others’ needs ahead of their own, sacrificing their personal well-being and happiness.
  • Physical symptoms – Chronic headaches, muscle tension, and stomach issues are common.

If the above signs remind you of someone in your life, talk to them about the possibility of high-functioning anxiety so they can find the relief they need through proper treatment.

Managing High-Functioning Anxiety

If a person has high-functioning anxiety, you may wonder if they even need treatment. The condition does not seem to be affecting their lives negatively. They are still able to hold down a job and enjoy a happy family and social life. Although their life may look picture-perfect on the outside, the internal struggle is well worth considering, as it can eventually have devastating impacts on their overall health and well-being. 

Treatment for high-functioning anxiety includes a combination of medical interventions and lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Behavioral therapy
  • Medication
  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques
  • Regular exercise
  • Quality sleep
  • Setting boundaries and learning to say no
  • Minimizing or avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine

In addition to seeking out professional help for anxiety and modifying your lifestyle habits, it is also important to practice self-compassion. Allowing yourself more flexibility and forgiving yourself for not being perfect are crucial steps toward alleviating high-functioning anxiety.

Reach Out to Promises for Anxiety Treatment

Setting goals for yourself and striving for success are healthy behaviors, but when they morph into high-functioning anxiety, they can take a toll on your mental health. If you recognize the signs of high-functioning anxiety in yourself or a loved one, call Promises at 17135283709 to enroll in our comprehensive anxiety treatment program.

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