The most recent drug abuse statistics in San Antonio reveal some changes in patterns of usage. Drugs illegally imported from Mexico have transformed local markets. This has led to increases in drug consumption overall. Three drugs, in particular, have seen use levels spike in the San Antonio area. These drugs include marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin. The Right Step is here to help you overcome substance abuse and get you on the path to healthier habits so you can live without these substances.
Marijuana Use in San Antonio
Based on illegal drug seizures and admittance patterns at local rehab centers, it is clear that marijuana is close to being the most abused drug in San Antonio and its surrounding communities. Each year, the police seize many more tons of marijuana than all other drugs combined. Most of it comes from south of the border. Additionally, it is directly traceable to the activities of the infamous Mexican drug cartels.
Meanwhile, about one in four people who seek health services at drug addiction treatment centers are there primarily for marijuana abuse. This contradicts the reputation of America’s most popular illegal intoxicant as a benign substance. If you are struggling from marijuana abuse, contact our marijuana addiction treatment center today.
Methamphetamine Makes a Comeback
Until recently, it seemed San Antonio law enforcement had gained the upper hand in the fight against methamphetamine. Law enforcement was able to get help from local businesses that were carefully monitoring sales of chemicals used in the manufacture of this dangerous and highly addictive substance. However, imports from Mexico have changed things for the worse. More than 80,000 San Antonio adults have used methamphetamine at some time in their lives. This represents a notable increase from the past few years.
Meth produced in Mexico is highly toxic, powerful, and represents a true threat to the health of Texas residents. The average lifespan of a meth addict is less than 10 years unless he or she seeks help from a meth addiction treatment center.
Heroin Use on the Rise
While the number of local residents suffering from opioid painkiller addiction has declined, the percentage of the population using heroin has increased. This change in drug use patterns is not coincidental. The development of tamper-proof versions of popular opioid painkillers, along with medical professionals’ attempts to reduce indiscriminate prescribing of these drugs, has pushed many opioid addicts toward heroin. Some painkiller addicts use it interchangeably with its pharmaceutical-grade cousins.
According to a 2013 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 40,000 San Antonio residents have used heroin at some point. Drug abuse statistics in San Antonio don’t exactly reveal a burgeoning heroin epidemic (about 6% of adults have tried it). However, they do show a disturbing trend of increasing usage that is right in line with what has been happening elsewhere around the country. These facts reveal the necessity of heroin users to seek heroin addiction treatment centers in TX.
Drug Treatment in San Antonio is Available
Among the remaining illicit drugs, only cocaine is still used by a statistically significant percentage of San Antonio area residents. Thankfully, cocaine use has been declining. Its days as a significant factor on the local drug scene appear to be numbered. Drug abuse statistics in San Antonio have been in flux. Regardless of an addict’s drug of choice, Texas addiction treatment centers are available in San Antonio. The Right Step is here to help and can help you make a positive impact on your life. Contact us at 17135283709 to learn more. Recovery from addiction is never easy. However, it is a realistic hope for men and women who are truly ready to make a long-term commitment to sobriety and overall wellness.
Sources: “Drug Use in San Antonio, Texas” – Health Street “Substance Abuse Trends in Texas: 2014” –